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Friday, February 17, 2012

FiveFive by Christie Rich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed the story line in this book. I did find the main character a little sheltered, way to trusting. Rayla decides to go to a different town and college than what her aunt had set up for her. Wanting to keep her close to home but not giving her a good enough reason to stay Rayla rebels and get into bunches of trouble that she is totally unprepared for. Her aunt has told her nothing about herself or the reason she would never let her leave there small little town.
I liked the authors writing style, she painted an intriguing world with words that anyone would love to visit. The author must also be a big believer in true love, and love at first sight. The overwhelming love stories that are going on in the background of the main plot are intense and the couples formed an instantaneous connection with each other. I actually liked the romance and love story aspect in the book and I thought the author explained enough about the fey for this to be believable. The only aspect of the story that threw me off a little was Rayla's lack of interest in her own abilities until the end, her trust in complete strangers, and how much of the story line was left hanging at the end of the book. Over all I loved this book and I hope with time the main character will mature and stop making rash decisions. I can't wait for the sequel and I hope it's coming out soon.

Here is a quote from the book that I liked.

"He hugged me to him. It felt right to be in his arms. I didn’t want the moment to ever end, but it would eventually. It was why I couldn't completely give myself to him now. No matter what I did, the slow tick of time would steal him from me, one way or another."
Christie Rich. Five (Kindle Locations 6122-6123)
This was a free book given to me by the author and shut up and read discussion board thanks for the great read!

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