My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I won this book from Goodreads, having never read anything by this author I'm very glad that I won.
Valerie Frankel's writing style lays her characters bare for the world to see flaws and all. These four women not only share their weakness's with us, but also their inner strengths that have developed through their friendships and the importance of those friends. This is not a surface friendship. This is a bonded relationship that is just what these women needed.
This book reveals those inner thoughts, dilemma's and fears that run through most women's brains 24/7. Granted the thoughts are different from person to person, but it's that fear of not really being heard that keeps these inside, and I'm sure it's not a totally unfounded fear. Like other married women out there my husband tends to tune me out regardless of what I'm telling him. This is where good friends come in and pick up the slack. This is part of what this book is trying to put across, we need our friends to make our other relationships successful, unless your one of the lucky ones whose husband clings to every word and you feel like you can tell him anything, then just count your blessings. :)
This book also goes through the daily struggles that these four have going one everyday. Like organizing your children's schedule and still being able to just get to an appt on time. This is just a small exsample of the turmoil and chaos involved in running a household smoothly. There is so much going on in this book but I don't want to ruin it for anyone so I will just leave you with this, This is a great writer that really knows how to draw you into a story, and hit home the point of how important it is to have friends.
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